IA here

I can take one. I have to get some pix today for the website/catalog today anyway.

You can also see them on the Marans Club of America site. Mine look just like that.

Hahahahahahahaha OMG now that was funny!

Kari... the more the merry! your welcome aboard..... Steph isn't coming along, she has made that quite obvious!

Troy and Jason... good to see you both again. hope the menagerie made it home okay. Did you buy any of the baby goats up there? If you should find that one of the Orloffs is the wrong sex, we can always switch at an upcoming swap. By the way, who gets to hose out the van?

Oh... I did get two dozen nice big brown eggs too!
One of the guys setting up the swap was selling them. i did not ask but my guess would be Orpington eggs. Some were whoppers. Back home however, I realized, we may not be here long enough to enjoy them. How long can I keep farm eggs before they get too old to eat, as long as they are refrigerated? Or any egg for that matter? Lora, says the older ones are better for peeling and eating? I dunno???
the van gets cleaned out by the same person who cleans the coop and all the other goat messes. I had my pygmy in my station wagon in the back seat with my son both eating popcorn. plus cages are always helpful.

I've had eggs in frig for at least a month and still been good. I read somewhere the exact timing but i forget now. It was way longer than i was willing to try.
We got 2 buttercup eggs yesterday! Finally the other one is laying again! we have now collected 4 eggs lol.
I got a goose egg today. Some of the pullets were checking out the nesting boxes and also a few of the Muscovy hens were peeking around at the nesting boxes as well. It looks like spring might actually be on the way at least according to the poultry. I let the goats outside to run and play today. They were having races up and down the drive where it had been cleared of snow. It was funny because the two cats were also running up and down the drive with them. I think I have the world's only herding cats (or would that be stock cats? instead of stock dogs). Too bad I didn't get any good photos. My lens kept fogging over because of the cold. LOL I think I might start the bator up in March. Hopefully by then I'll have more eggs than I know what to do with.
I took some stale bread out to the chickens a bit ago and discovered that Big Blu isn't a good BF/DH - he doesn't give treats to the ladies. Made me miss my Tank all the more. He was the biggest flirt when it came to treats and had a very special call when I brought some. I would give him a slice of bread and he would tear off pieces to give to the hens.

Blu is still young and hasn't learned his manners yet. The girls will hopefully teach him!

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