IA here

Or swap?

What is the difference between a swap and the above listed?

An auction would have an auctioneer and a swap is individuals selling their own stock.
Yay - the chickens now have a permanant pen! Mike built them a run today and he is going to make a smaller run for the banty chickens so my silkie roo can have his own flock. Sold 4 of the ducks and 7 more are spoken for. We also sold a couple of chicks. I need to get out to the feed store tomorrow and let Ralph (feed store guy) know what I have for sale. He will send people my direction. Whatever chicks don't sell by next months auction will just go to the auction
The ducks are staying until they sell or become dinner. I think I have some chocolate colored ones, I have a silvery one picked out that I am for sure keeping. Hope everyone was able to enjoy the nice weather today!

BTW the silkie roo finally found his name yesterday. It's Rodney because he don't get no respect! As I was watching him try to flirt with the hens while Big Blu was in time out for crowing too much. They were beating him down as bad as Big Blu.
What is the difference between a swap and the above listed?

An auction would have an auctioneer and a swap is individuals selling their own stock.

.... I would like both but I might like a swap better I think.
The chickens only decimated my butterfly garden before he decided that maybe they needed to be contained more
Then we took all the baby ducks out for some sun and what do they do? Attack the only surviving sedum from last year like a plague of locust. We put all the larger ducklings in the chicken coop with that orange brooder lamp and then anything smaller than the fence holes came back inside for the night. They were so worn out they were sleeping like the dead. I had to bump their "pen" to make sure they were alive!
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Yay on all the stuff you got done.
I mowed my lawn and got a sun burn.
My dog got another chicken it was a little roo so not so sad. It was caught under the fence dogs not getting out chickens just to stupid I guess.

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