IA here

In the 5th picture I especially like the Mille in front of the Mottled a lot and in the last picture the cushion on the bird almost completely behind the feeder looks very good.
Last one of the year is September 11 if I remember correctly. It is always on a Sunday morning and is over at noon but it usually breaks down earlier. It is sponsored by the SE Iowa Pidgeon club. The Eastern Iowa Poultry Association helps manage the vendor spaces along the streets. Get there early and have fun. If you want to set up to sell something get there early. Ask Trish for details since she sells there quite often.
I have a lot of chicks of many ages - only pure breds I have would be Iowa Blues right now though, otherwise a lot of EEs. I also have pullets at point of lay or laying. If anyone is looking send em my way
I'll have to get some pics up. I've got a very promising flock of Iowa Blues.
Is anyone close to Cedar Rapids that would possibly have pure eggs? Just 6 of them would be good. Any breed - it's for a mystery egg swap. I was hoping my new drake was getting the job done but not seeing any development on my own eggs yet even though he mates constantly
It could just be too early to tell. I need to get eggs mailed out by the 25th and I am going to see hubby in Cedar Rapids tomorrow.
I am about 30-40 min south of IC too. Washington.

I am 10-15 minutes south of IC myself. I am a little over 5 miles east of the Kalona Cheese factory. Glad to have you with us. You are correct about DH.

My husband works for Kalona oil!
Last one of the year is September 11 if I remember correctly. It is always on a Sunday morning and is over at noon but it usually breaks down earlier. It is sponsored by the SE Iowa Pidgeon club. The Eastern Iowa Poultry Association helps manage the vendor spaces along the streets. Get there early and have fun. If you want to set up to sell something get there early. Ask Trish for details since she sells there quite often.

Where is that located?
Last one of the year is September 11 if I remember correctly. It is always on a Sunday morning and is over at noon but it usually breaks down earlier. It is sponsored by the SE Iowa Pidgeon club. The Eastern Iowa Poultry Association helps manage the vendor spaces along the streets. Get there early and have fun. If you want to set up to sell something get there early. Ask Trish for details since she sells there quite often.

Where is that located?

In the parking lot of Southeastern Community College, across from the hospital on West Agency Rd, West Burlington.

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