IA here

I am planning on showing in Colorado Oct 8 if I remember the date correctly at the Rocky Mountain Feather Fanciers show. Held at the fair grounds in Brighton just north of Denver. Tune up for the Crossroads show 3 weeks later.
Made it to Cedar Rapids but now can't get a hold of the hubby since I don't have a cell and his cell is considered long distance (515 ) area code so they can't make an outgoing call for me. I think I am going to force the issue and make him pony up for a cell for me! ARGGGGG!
I have lots of Iowa Blues

Older group




Some girls from the June hatch and one of the IAB/Ameraucana crosses. The Iowacaunas, as I call them are pretty cool. Many of them have lovely silver lacing on back and breast and bigg puffy cheeks!


Is that really silver one a pullet? She sure does look nice!

So it came down to a cell phone or a laptop - hubby bought me this nice laptop today! I will get a cell here soon though. We are going to drop our landline and go with just a cell for me. Hubby has his free through work so that is why we have never got a plan.

I'm so excited for the laptop though. My very own computer that I don't have to share!!!

Many thanks to Mrheinz77 for locating the husband for me today though!

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