IA here

I bet they would fit in my 7 qt. Crock pot.

Are you joining the New Years Day hatch then? I've got 3 dozen IaB eggs waiting to go in, plus what I collect this week. I did get the seedling mats in place to keep the eggs from freezing and it seems to be working! This means I'll have to rebuild the rest of my nest boxes though, those old 10 hole metal contraptions aren't really set up for that

Not to late to sign up for the contests
Glad you broke the silence and posted Craig! It was getting so quiet you could here a bar code drop! Is everyone shopping?
Lora and I went shopping this morning and we got done just before my migrain started (just kidding). Crowds starting to gather. We went to the grocery store and if that's not adding insult to injury! 20lbs of ground beef, 50.00! I think it's cheaper to buy a 22 and shoot rabbits in the yard.
Trish was here before that dropping off her Cochons. Guess what Trish, the bigger dark blue hen already laid an egg.

I'm finishing insulating my breeder pens then it is time to put the top wire and doors on. After that I have 2 or 3 other pens to finish and figure out where the other pens will go. Anybody want to help?
The only Xmas shoppping I plan on is more chicken Feed ..

But was a Pretty nice day today so some chicks decided it was ok to HATCH......

I set a couple RIR's, a few White Giants and my Leghorn Project, My first F2's on the Leghorn Line, finally.

So far, zero RIR's .

Not the greatest hatch in world... about 40 % so far, although I still here a couple chirps & Peeps...
I was at school until 3 and then took a nappy. This week is crunch week for studying for finals and getting final projects done so I will be here on a limited basis - more likely to catch me on FB.

I have button quail on lockdown - went to check the temp/humidity when I got home and it was down to 93
I hope they still hatch. Looks like it has been at that temp for the last 12 hours or so.
did that heated waterer come from tractor supply????i havent let them back in the run since killing ,they are just locked in the coop its more than big enough for 2 iowa blues.... 1 hen 1 roo--- mother clucker and jesus [(thats HEY ZEUS!!} for those of you who are not bilingual] hope everyone has happy safe holidayseveryone is so helpful here thanks

I have heated waterers now. Each holds 3.3 gallons. Cost about $40. Before that I used the plugin heated dog bowls. They also have a thermostat built in so only runs when needed. Hold about 5 quarts for <$20. For 3 chickens either would do the job. Set traps or the Coon will be back and you will lose the rest. While a crock pot would work it would use 3 times as much electricity and probably evaporate all the water before the next weekend.

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