IA here

hi everyone!
been lurking for awhile around here and stumbled onto this thread - woo hoo!!!

I am a neighbor of Jenn's (sorta - just up the road and to the east of her a few miles;) )

The polish we picked up earlier this summer went to fair - got a blue ribbon cause the roo had too much white in his tail... any other year they would have been champs but this year's judge was really fussy on standards, he didn't award a champ but the polish were the best of the class.


had a friend at fair loose her geese to a dog attack and was wondering if anyone had dewlap Toulouse chicks?

Hello everyone been a while since I have checked in here. Is there another swap in waverly this fall or did i miss it already?? Also I don't suppose anyone has a Full Size Cochin Rooster they don't want? I ordered 5 st run cochins and ended up with all pullets. The one time I want a rooster Is the time I get all girls!
Bossynbella you are so lucky! I replied to your post and also pm you. My son has one for sale for 4.00. He hatched out this spring. We are located near Donahue Iowa. Is that close enough for you?

The waverly swap I believe is in Sept. We are going to the Burlington one this sunday.

Hey, the averly swap is sept 28th this year. I will have to go and get rid of a few turkeys probably. I think I also lost my only drake duck..lol I have like 12 full size ducks and no drakes. My only drake dissapeared a few weeks ago. Good luck, Jenn
I forgot to say Hi and welcome to Lilandra!

Jenn I love that date for the swap. Maybe I can get my dh to take me this time.

We have had a fox issue this summer. It happened last year at this time also. So are dogs are running around more. He took so many chickens, ducks and two peacocks! It really stinks about the peacocks. My peahens won't ever be able to start families at this rate.
Ok my fellow Iowans I have muscovy duck eggs in the bator due to hatch anytime. If they don't does anyone have any ducklings available?
TIA if not ducklings juvies are fine also. My eggs didn't hatch:eek: very sad. Any swaps going on in Iowa or s mn before the waverly swap?? I have a few chanteclers to trade for muscovies if anyone is interested in that route.

I think we should have an Iowa/MN chickenstock, anyone. I can help with it but I live in town so can't have chickenstock at my place.
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Anyone else go to Burlington yesterday? I ended up getting a pair of call ducks
I also got 4 chickens as if I really needed anymore chickens. LOL But I couldn't resist the 2 Frizzles and the 2 Mottled Cochin Bantams. And my mom got 10 guinea keets.
I really wanted the Madarain and Wood Ducks I saw but I didn't have enough pens built yet so I held off on them for now. I saw momof3 (Chanin) as we were leaving. I am thinking about going to Kankakee, IL swap as I talked to a few people yesterday who are planning to go there and it sounded like it is really big and worth the drive to go see it at least once. We may go to Waverly also but are not sure yet. Both those swaps are a pretty long drive. Anyone been to both? Which do you suggest if we can only get to one which is the best?
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Hello fellow Iowans,

I'm new to BYC but have been on the Dave's Garden poultry forum for a while. I have 3 standard hens, 10 standard chicks - result of a cross between a Barred Rock roo and a hen who is a Dark Cornish/Black Australorp cross. I have that hen, and another barred rock hen.

I also have 4 bantams - 3 OEG fawn silver duckwings and a black Wyandotte bantie.

And a rescued greyhound.

I live outside of Van Meter area.

I am interested in learning more about this swap meet thing. Do you have to take things to swap (I don't have enough!) or can you buy hens there?

Hi Chooksiniowa. Welcome to the group. You don't have to take anything to the swaps. I have also heard good things about Kankakee. I would love to go. I don't know if my dh would take me.

Farmgirlie. We had a really hard time selling our chicks and ducks. No one was buying. My dh and daughter went around with the bantam chicks. They talked to various people trying to sell chickens. They said people were not buying. I ended up giving away the chicks because I couldn't bring them home. We brought all the ducks home. Well except one. I let a little boy buy it for fifty cents. I had to sell the Sandhill chicks for less then what I paid for them. That really hurt.

I don't think we will be going back to Burlington in Sept. Chickens were just not selling. I did come home with a turkey poult and two flying mallards(we keep getting girls and my son wants a boy).

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