Icelandic Chickens

Your girl looks intense Mary!
LOOOOOOONG DAY today... longer tomorrow... the girls have me working from 6:30AM to 6PM. YIKES!

But, the wonderful thing that happened today was receiving in the mail a nice little chicken calendar and a Christmas card from my good friend in Nevada, MO.

Made my day. THANK YOU!
Hey Mary that is a bird with Attitude !

But both are still beauties !

Chickie Lady the rain is here and the wind blew the door open this morning, when I got up it was open, when I turned the lights on Little Guy immediately saw and pounced on a mouse ! His first one ! And he wont be two months old til friday eve !

Any other mice that come in will regret the decision.

I do like red wine, have a glass or so some eves when I am reading, they go well together.

I have a bottle of Jamesons sitting in front of me that is going to be opened the eve of Nov 6, 2012. Its a focus point as it were/is.

Raining here now, freezing rain.

Life is good, and better with Icelandic Chickens !
Hi Michelle

Nov 6, 2012 is the national elections day.

When we all get to exercise a right so much of the rest of the world doesnt have,

and, we get the opportunity to change our govt. if we arnt satisfied with them.

I am voting, and will be watching the returns very closely.

A bit of Jamesons in hand.

Life is good, and better with Icelandic Chickens and a bit of Jamesons !

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