Icelandic Chickens

Do you guys realize that today is national Chocolate Cake Day? I am baking a cocoa cake with chocolate chips, chocolate ganache filling and a mocha frosting. I hope it is good. I need blog recipe today!
He's kind of busy Mahonri.

So he is blessed and lucky...


At 4 weeks and with lows only into the low 40s, all but one of my NYD hatch chicks are feathered out and I think they'll survive without a heat lamp.

I'll have to take a pic of the non-feathered out chick. I'm wondering if it's going to be one of those featherless chickens like the ones in Israel. It only has maybe four tiny feathers on each wing and no other feathers anywhere else.... and it's chick down feathers are getting smaller and fewer and spread out thin with time and as it grows. I think it's an Icelandic... so I may have a new genetic mutation going on here. I hope it's a pullet! The non-feather gene could be really good here in Phoenix... as long as they stay in the shade.

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