Icelandic Chickens

You can if you're married to The Sheriff!
Looking at chocolate cake pics first thing in the morning is NOT good for my diet!! I already have Mary's Banana Nut Muffins with Struesel Topping recipe (from her blog) to make today.......I had to use up some ripe bananas.........I will not be baking cake....but.... maybe I'll put chocolate frosting on the muffins instead of the streusel..........we all know everything is better with chocolate!

We got a light snow cover last night and high temps today and tomorrow will be around the freezing point....but back around 40-45 Monday and Tuesday.

49 days until setting eggs for the Easter Hatchalong!!
Kathy, This why yesterday was a lovely day........

YESTERDAY-some grass showing (the fence Kleo is on is the same one on the left in the next pic):


Good news. I set 21 Icelandic eggs on Monday and fertility is 90%. All the nonfertile ones were torpedo shaped.

WOOO HOOO! How long before the broodies begin to sit?
(Hmmm. is it sit or is it set?)

Kathy, This why yesterday was a lovely day........

YESTERDAY-some grass showing (the fence Kleo is on is the same one on the left in the next pic):


YUK ! ! I so hate snow! Get your boots on, and be careful you don't slip and slide out there!
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