Icelandic Chickens

can't complain about the temps here.... for the next 10 days Hi: 75 Low: 45. PARADISE... just don't talk to me mid-July.
Enjoy that perfect weather while you can. We're supposed to get into the 60's. It was nice in the sunshine today - I just wanted to sit outside.

As for your summers, Hell comes to mind.
The eggs are..... well, they are there! I think I need to weigh them tomorrow.
Big brooder? Won't my Nella-brooder for a couple weeks?

Fence? hahaha ...... not for awhile. I am a procrastinator.

Sick the son on the fencing.
Isn't that what kids are for?

Nella brooder? Thinking NOT! After seeing Mary's, they are busy buggers. (but provide a TON of entertainment value - wayyyyyy more than chickens!)
Kelly, they just found the bugs while looking for an opening in the brooder!

Love the pics Mary! Nice weather Kathy, much like ours in the daytime but colder at night.

I opened the gate two days ago to the jail yard and Lukka scouted out. I left her out as she has only been mothering her babies at night. She has been ok with that, coming up to the fence from time to time to check on them. Eventually she returns to the Icelandic coop.

Today she came up with Isi to check out the babies.

One of her babies saw her and came to the fence for a visit.

Lukka showed the baby how to dig for worms.

They finished their visit and Lukka turned and walked away. Suddenly, Louise, my fat out of control goat, ran at her, head butted her and lifted her up by the horms slamming her into the fence. Lukka just laid there. I ran down the steps and brought her up on the deck and checked her out. I put her down and she was able to walk and cluck. I put her back into the jail yard with her babies. I came in the house and listed Louise for sale on Craigslist! I am so over that goat! I am happy to report that except for a slight limp, Lukka seems fine and happy to be back with her babies and I have a party interested in the goat!

Today she came up with Isi to check out the babies.

One of her babies saw her and came to the fence for a visit.

Lukka showed the baby how to dig for worms.

I am happy to report that except for a slight limp, Lukka seems fine and happy to be back with her babies and I have a party interested in the goat!

Love that picture of Isi and Lukka together! How sweet is that? ! !

Lukka is just the sweetest mama ever. Love her teaching through the fence!

Thank God Lukka is okay! We would all be eating Louise roast if she wasn't.....
Mary, Some animals just don't understand how good they got it....I hope Louise finds a home where she can't hurt anything! I just love watching the hens with their chicks....they are such great moms!!
If the people who expressed an interest in Louise she would be going where there are two male wethered goats. I assume that starting at the bottom of the herd order she will not be so aggressive.

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