Icelandic Chickens

I should have guessed you'd be an egg stealer when I read you took an Icelandic egg from Mary's while animal sitting.........I'd better get the lock on the door

Don't forget chick-napping too.
I have five babies hatched now! One more egg is pipped, and another is jiving around inside like it's getting ready. I'm kind of in shock that I have this many eggs hatching.


Here are the first four. I now have a blonde baby in there, as well. The bottom most chick is really struggling. I had two eggs that got cracked pretty bad by some rowdy hens a few days ago, and this one came from one of the damaged eggs. It is beautiful. Light underbelly, chocolatey back and gold flecks on its face. I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't make it, though :(
I have five babies hatched now! One more egg is pipped, and another is jiving around inside like it's getting ready. I'm kind of in shock that I have this many eggs hatching.


Here are the first four. I now have a blonde baby in there, as well. The bottom most chick is really struggling. I had two eggs that got cracked pretty bad by some rowdy hens a few days ago, and this one came from one of the damaged eggs. It is beautiful. Light underbelly, chocolatey back and gold flecks on its face. I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't make it, though :(

Yay red! Your eggs finally made it without some crazy fluke messing the whole thing up! Fate is finally smiling upon you. :ya
Thanks Mary. Lost the struggling chick last night, but I think something was wrong with it.

Gaela is a pretty girl :)

Haha, thanks Ace :)
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Hi, I have 4 Icelandic chicks. 2 of them have poofs on their heads and I don't know what it means. Is it gonna be a rooster or just have a crest?

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