Icelandic Chickens

Can somebody pulllleeeeeeeez tell this weather to knock it off? It's SNOWING..........................AGAIN. And not just snowing, but sticking too.

And It's official, every fruit tree I have except for the apples have had their blossoms snowed on.

I'm so darn sick of the snow! You'd think we're in Alaska!
Mary that is a beautiful picture! Are those yours? If so Are they Marty's birds? They just shout "Lyle Behl!" to me! Im guessing the darker one was a Tuxedo baby?
How is my analysis?

Andy in Fredericksburg
Aww, I'm sorry.
I don't get to worry about fruit blossoms here. But I plan to plant some this summer. I bet the Icelandics would appreciate some fruit trees to perch in.
If you ever want to visit the real Alaska, you're welcome at my house anytime!
Andy, When did Sigrid say she never had any mottled Icelandics? I must have missed that. I thought mottling was common among them. I know that Marty Favre's flock came from Lyle Behl and she has lots of mottling with hers.

Mary, Didn't Orri have mottling, or am I mistaken?

Ok first, thank you Mary for defining what Sigrid meant!

And to Notafarm, you didn't miss that conversation with Sigrid saying she had no mottled Icelandics, it was not a conversation that was on BYC, so thanks for asking your questions.

In my own birds I have Icelandic's hatched from Marys eggs that were pure RALA from Sigrid. I have no birds with any mottling at all in that collection, just as Sigrid said.

My first birds were Lyhle Behl birds and they are loaded with Mottling.

This question was actually not about Icelandics in general, but about the two lines in relation to what I have here.

I was asking Kathyinmo, because I have a beautiful group of her birds that she was so sweet and kind to send to me. I have mottle birds among them.

Since there were no mottled birds in my RALA lines it lead me to ask the posted question, since I thought I understood that her original birds came from Mary the same as mine. There are all sorts of odd genetic things, such as masking genes, that cover existing recessive or dominant genes. Some white chickens, for instance, are actually black masked genes, meaning if you removed the masking gene you would have a black bird. I am sort of a genetics geek, and I love learning about genes and learning by observing, since I am thinking about these things, obsessive compulsively blessed as I am, I can't help but loving to follow the genetic trail of bread crumbs. The awesome thing about genes is they tell a definite story. And its fun to discuss that story with people who share the interest!

Once again thanks for asking!

Andy in Fredericksburg

I saw someone( HappyChooks I think) wrote something way back mentioning that Icelandic black must be reccesive, Ici appears to be a red birchen with one copy of dominant white, so that is how Kola got her color.
Mary that is a beautiful picture! Are those yours? If so Are they Marty's birds? They just shout "Lyle Behl!" to me! Im guessing the darker one was a Tuxedo baby?
How is my analysis?

Andy in Fredericksburg

That picture is of Marty's flock, used with her permission quite a bit further back on this thread I believe. I just love that picture and want to plant daffodils around the watering hole. But I have donkeys and goats!
Mary that is a beautiful picture! Are those yours? If so Are they Marty's birds? They just shout "Lyle Behl!" to me! Im guessing the darker one was a Tuxedo baby?
How is my analysis?

Andy in Fredericksburg

That picture is of Marty's flock, used with her permission quite a bit further back on this thread I believe. I just love that picture and want to plant daffodils around the watering hole. But I have donkeys and goats!

Who is Marty?

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