Icelandic Chickens

KathyInMo eggs

Broody update: mama has 3 fuzzy butts running around keeping her busy. She is used to her own chicks that are nice and calm. Right now she has 3 going in opposite directions. Even the silkie roos are in fear of the little Raptors.

Incubator update:

4 Icelandic eggs, 3 pips and one silent one.
I pipped Olive Egger and a quiet OE and a quiet BCM

I cant wait til morning. The incubator will be full of little peepers!
Kathy probably wouldn't notice if I stuck him in the box with her Icelandics, right?


Ha, I missed this post!
Doesn't it look like the two sweeties were posing for this pic? Putting their little faces together...mama looking so adoringly at them.
..I know I might be a bit biased, but my Icelandics are the cutest chicks ever!!......and their "mama" is the best mama, too! (Okay,
Lukka is the best Icelandic mama, Chickie Mama is the best SLW mama). I moved them outside to the "safety pen" today so I'll try and get some newer pics of the little darlings.......and guess what else.........Anna was on the nest tonight when I was locking up, I reached under her and took the two eggs and replaced them with golf balls. If she shows me she is serious, she will get those two and a few more back.

That picture is soooooooooo cute! I love it!

Your mama hen is absolutely lovely! I did not know that Wyandottes were known for broodiness, yet I have a BLRW that is due to hatch on the 8th.
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I wish I could tell which ones are the girls and which ones are the boys.

I wish I could see what's inside all those eggs in the bator.


This is going to be a looooooong week.

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