Icelandic Chickens

I ordered my mist system today which should help with the heat. I only ordered for one area and Michael says he is going to put a system across the front of all the runs. That, with all the shade trees and water for cooling feet off, we should be ok. If not, we'll pack up and come to the foothills to stay with you until it cools off in the valley!

I think Michael is looking forward to a swim with the geese! He keeps reminding me what a great filter system we have!

You don't want to come here! Sometimes we're hotter here than in the valley. It's really weird. Just take everyone for a swim in your pool to cool off. (Just give the chickens floaties, since they can't swim
I tracked the packages containing the contest eggs and both are out for deliver today! Nervously awaiting news of how they arrive.

Sorry I guess we somehow missed the postal driver today(how I dont know as we were all home all day). but I did check my tracking number and they are at the post offiice so at 1:00( K make that 3:30 as the boss had other planes) i'll be picking them up..
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My eggs arrived yesterday morning safe and sound! Thanks again, Mary! I was so afraid I would do something stupid, like dropping them. lol I have them under a broody hen safe in my garage. She is a Mille Fleur - Mottled split hen and she is the most determined broody I have ever had to contend with. She has been setting off and on since February. I guess it's a good thing she is so stubborn or I wouldn't have a broody for the Icelandic eggs. Now we get to countdown to hatch day!!! Yaaayyy!!
Just wanted to say THANK YOU for the opportunity to be a part of the Icelandic Chicken Preservation Project....That sounds sort of official doesnt

The bator is warm and I am heading out to double check the pen for the boys.

Camelot Farm is anxiously awaiting their arrival.
This is in reference to the follow-up to my Icelandic Hatching Egg Contest which has ended. I am calling it An Icelandic Roo and Six Eggs Too. I offered the contest entrants the opportunity to get one of my adorable juvenile cockerels and 6 hatching eggs. I have about six extra boys who need good homes at this point. So the first batch of eggs went out yesterday and the roos will ship on Monday. (had to order shipping containers) If two of the little guys will fit, and the buyer wants them, I will include an extra. The next six eggs collected are already spoken for but after that I will be looking for someone else to join the Landnámshænan USA Preservation Project!

Here are some of my boys with Isi teaching them the ropes. The big blue girl in the picture isn't going anywhere! You guys will have to hatch your own!

Stay tuned for more information! Edited to say that I am only asking for the shipping costs to be paid and have sent, what I hope the be the first of many donations to the Protective Society for Icelandic Chicken in Iceland!


I asked them all to stand still but this was the best they do!
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Just wanted to update: We are a few days in to incubation and had a scare this morning at about 3am... Nasty storm came in and knocked the power out .. I wrapped the bator in towels and when it came back on at 6am the temp was just at 98.2 so not toooo bad of a drop .. Hopefully everything will go well.... I had a 12 hr power failure during my last batch and they did great so heres hoping

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