Icelandic Chickens

My spring hatches seem to lean toward more cockerels and later hatches toward more pullets. This year I had four hens hatch two apiece in July and had 5 pullets to 3 cockerels and my Easter hatchalong was the opposite, 2 pullets and 6 cockerels. A late June hatch was 3 pullets and 2 cockerels.
Knock on wood, but my hatches so far have leaned towards the pullet side. The last hatch I had I think is 2 possibly 3 cockerels out of 9 chicks. I did have only one hatch from some eggs I got and that one was a cockerel. A beautiful one, at that! The rest have been my eggs.

Oh, good, then it does happen!
4 HATCHED SO FAR ! And 2 more pipping this morning. I can't tell you what a relief it is ... No , wait. I imagine a lot of poultry keepers who hatch at home have that same anguish and worry. I suppose it's akin to the feeling we have when our kids are finally born and they have all their toes and fingers. Woooo ! Now we just wait to see how much of the clutch will struggle from the egg to meet the world.

Thats GREAT!!

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