Icelandic Chickens

Thank you all so much for the warm welcome and the thumbs up and good vibes for our hatch. If we could ask deputychicken 21 , where did you get your eggs ? Ours came from Whippoorwill Farm in Wisconsin.
Thank you all so much for the warm welcome and the thumbs up and good vibes for our hatch. If we could ask deputychicken 21 , where did you get your eggs ? Ours came from Whippoorwill Farm in Wisconsin.

Mine also came from there!! David is awesome. Im am amazed at the number of eggs that are hatching. The best I can tell there are six babies in the incubator now. Its hard to tell because the windows are fogged up due to the humidity. I received 18 eggs 15 were fertile and developed. I wish you the best of luck with your hatch and I will post pics as soon as I can see them!
That's exciting news ! We are even more excited now. Unfortunately , 7 of our 18 were not viable after candling but we are still pumped about the impending hatch. Might we ask what temp you maintained and what humidity ?
That's exciting news ! We are even more excited now. Unfortunately , 7 of our 18 were not viable after candling but we are still pumped about the impending hatch. Might we ask what temp you maintained and what humidity ?

My incubator (little giant forced air with turner) fluctuates between 99 and 100 fro the first 18 days my humidity was at 55. When I raised the humidity at lock down it has been at 80%. After I set the eggs I did not open the bator until day 14 to candle, then I open one more time on day 18 and candle again then lockdown. I am no expert by any means I may have just got lucky but ill take it!!
Final count 8 Icelandic chicks out of the original 18 eggs. Had 2 more that came close to hatching but the other chicks beat the crap out of the eggs so they didn't make it. Im very happy with the results especially for shipped eggs "YAY WHIPPOORWILL FARM". I will get some good picks when I get off work and post them, some are lite and some are dark so no idea what they will end up looking like.
Final count 8 Icelandic chicks out of the original 18 eggs. Had 2 more that came close to hatching but the other chicks beat the crap out of the eggs so they didn't make it. Im very happy with the results especially for shipped eggs "YAY WHIPPOORWILL FARM". I will get some good picks when I get off work and post them, some are lite and some are dark so no idea what they will end up looking like.
Great job and cute chicks!!
Congratulations on your Icelandic hatch ! What a dandy batch of color they are. The Ameracauna are lovely too. Our clutch of Icelandics from Whippoorwill Farms is just starting to pip. We have 3 on the way and they are singing the hatch peep as I type this. After seeing your pics deputychicken21 we are counting the seconds until we are able to post pics of our newbies ! In other news , 7 of our own Delaware ( 4 under our brood Delaware and 3 from the incubator) have hatched and one more just pipping. We put all of them under the brood hen for the last few days and it's going great. We have been pleasantly surprised by our Delaware that we got from Welp last fall in that they are actually every bit as good a bird as they are reported to be and then some. Tough and cold hardy , good layers , easy keepers as well as meaty and moderately quick growing. They make the grade for our Montana farm whereas several others have not. We are anxious to see if the Icelandics live up to their reputation as well.

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