RJ, I am glad to see you. I hope you will read the thread and see how passionate we BYC Icelandic keepers are. I still have two of the four original Icelandic chickens I received almost six years ago. My rooster, Audun, came from the originator of this thread. He was a first generation cockerel from Sigrid T's flock thatThanks one and all, I'll be reading and looking etc for a while. Nice to see you guys are still interested in the breed. Oh, bytheway… that Icelandic link is not working.
came from Iceland. My hen, Anna, is from a flock that came from Lyle Behl's flock. I have loved my Icelandics from the beginning and continue to love them. I can't say enough good things about them. I am not on the "official breeders list of Icelandic chickens". I don't do Facebook. I don't only post on this thread when people interested in Icelandics post and try to get to go elsewhere. I just love my Icelandics and hope that others who are as passionate about preserving them as I am will come here and talk about them. I don't try to get them to go elsewhere, not because I am trying to keep them from "accurate knowledge", but because BYC is where I found out about them, about how much I loved them and how I wanted to tell everyone I could about them. Maybe my almost six years of experience with my flock has no standing with some people because I didn't get them from a particular person, but that will not diminish my passion for them. I hope you will stay here on BYC and share the story of your flock so that others will be inspired to make the commitment, and it is a commitment, to keep them pure....remembering always that an Icelandic is only an Icelandic if their genetics are kept pure. To be entrusted with an Icelandic flock is an honor and I hope to hear of your adventure.
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