Icelandic Chickens

He's hideous. You should send him to me, and I'll pair him up with:

I like big butts and I cannot lie................

Kidding of course, you have a handsome fella there.

When you send me Welsummer eggs, you really need to send me some of hers too!

I could, but they wouldn't be pure. I only have 2 English Orp girls. No boys. That girl was supposed to be a boy. As soon as they grow up, there will be barnevelder roosters in that coop.
Mahonri, Is it this girl you posted eariler? I thought maybe she looked like mine. Do you know if she came from the eggs I sent you?

When you send me Welsummer eggs, you really need to send me some of hers too!

I could, but they wouldn't be pure. I only have 2 English Orp girls. No boys. That girl was supposed to be a boy. As soon as they grow up, there will be barnevelder roosters in that coop.

Oh no no no no! You MUST find an Orp roo for her! A gorgeous black one. Please, please, pretty please!!!

Kidding, kinda. She is absolutely gorgeous.
Ok, does anyone know the logistics of bringing Icelandic eggs back with me to the states? I am in Iceland and have visited a few chicken breeders here and am thinking of bringing some home to hatch. Can anyone help out?

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