Icelandic Chickens

Weird stuff happening around here, hatching wise....
Broody began setting on Dec. 22, so due to hatch Jan 12. She did finally hatch on Jan 16-17 (hatched 5 of 6).
Silkie eggs in the incubator were set Dec 30, due Jan. 20, and they started hatching already (yesterday, Jan18).
I double checked all my dates, and they were correct, as I had posted pictures and information to refer back to.
Is this weird, or what?
Kathy, Kathy, Kathy...........would we expect anything less from you?!

Seriously though, the broody hen may have been late because of the colder weather. The silkie eggs, they are just weird little things all-together, so.... no surprise there!

What kind of chicks did the broody hatch?
We were suppose to have a high of 18 F today but it hasn't gotten out of the single digits...8 F here now. I scrambled some eggs with oatmeal and whole kernel corn to give the birds a warm meal. The temp tonight will be -1, if "they" are right, but my guess would be lower since they had the daytime number off by ten degrees! I collected 8 Icelandic eggs and another girl was on a nest so the cold isn't bothering them so far!
I hope your new 'puter comes today so you can have it up and running by the weekend! I won't be of any stuff is the DH's realm!!

I wish I could have Marans and Ameraucanas and EEs and Olive Eggers and Barred Rocks and all those others.....................but then I'd have to get another job to support them, so I think I'll stick to my Icelandics!
Joyous welcome to icelandic addits ward! Your roo is beautiful. I was wondering what Sandhills birds looked like. I am fixing an order from them and thought about throwing in a couple three ices so I would have different blood working in my group. My hens are laying like crazy now. And I have nothing setting and no bator! About the time they want to quit and go broody evrything else will too!

Has anyone heard from Jake?
I tried 3 times this morning to post, it wouldnt go through each time,

so this is in way of a test post,

This is the first freaking list site I have ever wanted to throw the puter through the window on, way too many graphics !!!

So I simply not going to posts as often.

I tried to post on the 3 feathe legged ones this morning, with a long peroration as to how they were doing etc,

but not going through it all again for the 4th time.

Color me disgusted with this new format, it sucks, nice as I can put it,

Later, maybe just going to go watcfh the snow fall.
Jake, I've had my share of aggravation since the changes as well.
Hang in there and check out the link Kathy gave you.
Well, my new computer has arrived. I will mess around with it later tonight. I am currently in mid-hatch, and am trying to be alert as each chick hatches, so I can band it. I am getting weird (or unexpected, on my part) chicks coming out of eggs in relationship to what the egg is labeled.
For example, 2 eggs labeled as "W" (white) just hatched buff (?) looking chicks. Not that I care what I get, but I am leg banding them according to what the egg is marked. Weird....

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