ID This Spider for Me (WARNING! Don't Look if You're Squeamish!!)

Just do me a favor - keep them there! I don't want to wake up to one of those in the morning when I go open the coop doors!

Gross, I knew I shouldn't have looked, I was warned. You say you've seen more than one "here". Please tell me you mean "here" as in some foreign country you are visiting. That thing is the subject of nightmare.......

I mean here on my place. This could be the same one I saw on the cherry leaf, I guess. The areas aren't very far apart. If there is a female, there is probably a male somewhere. And if there is one pair, there are probably others. Its one of the largest spiders I've seen here, but certainly not the largest. And to think you are not that far away from me, either. Maybe you'll be lucky enough to have some at your place!
x 10

I think it's holding a sniper rifle!!!

I would have to move. Terrified of bugs, especially spiders!!! (But of course, I HAD TO look!) Now I'll have nightmares for a week!
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