Idea for dealing with political & armageddon threads


Rhymes with 'henn'
11 Years
Jun 14, 2008
South Puget Sound
1. Create a separate section for political and armageddon threads. That way the unsuspecting are less likely to stumble across them.

2. Determine a random (but secret to all but mods) number of posts, after which that thread is automatically locked and ended with a pithy comment by a moderator.

Political, world-is-gonna-end, rumor-mongering threads... FINITO!!!

Not a bad idea.
I don't post on political threads, but I like that BYC allows them. I do read them until the point they get out of control. Those who really don't want to see political threads on BYC, my advice is don't open them and don't read them. Creating a new section so peeps don't have to see them and ending them after a predetermined number of posts are both really good ideas.
This is the first time I've seen ARMEGGEDON on a thread......but........I don't read them all.

I've seen surviving a depression etc.........which would be like surviving a disaster. It's good info.

If I don't like a thread or where it's heading I just don't read it.

It's kind of exciting with elections being so close.

No one here will convert anyone........but it's AMERICA.

I like the threads.

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