Ideal Ameraucana curled toe pics.....

Were your chicks healthy when you got them? Did you have any problems raising them?
The reason I'm asking is that we ordered chicks last year from MM hatchery and the chicks had AE. Some of them seemed sick and wouldn't eat well and died. Some of them acted fine but had toe deformities in the end. Some of our hens that had mild AE have deformed feet similar to your photos. Just a thought.
Hi pozarnsk, Hatch some of there eggs out and see if you see the cond pop back up in any of the chicks.. that way you can rule out bad gene's..

I am commenting on this old thread because no one mentioned creating taped boots to straighten out the toes. A newly hatched chick that I assisted out of a shell (after 72 hours of peeping through a large hole with dried membrane) ended up with curled toes. After 48 hours of wearing taped boots the little chick's feet were flat. He fathered chicks with the same issue, so it was genetic. I've also have seen this problem with multiple chicks when someone's incubator spiked up to 102 degrees F for a number of days. The toes must be taped early on for the bones to form normally. Luckily I already went through this experience and adviced the person with the spiking incubator to tape their feet.

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