Ideal babies shipped today!!!

congrats.. how many packing peanuts did you get??

waiting for pics
Our bantam EEs came this morning. No pics yet. I threw my back out again and have been grumpy. They are cute little ones. They are mini versions of the standard ones we got last week.

25 straight run and no packing peanuts.
I can define bad day.

I have three batches of chicks in house. I hear some Peeping loudly. But I'm making dinner. By the time I realize I also do not know where the previously starved, high prey drive, Foster puppy is, I'm a good bit too late.

She's head down in the brooder on the floor - there's blood. There are seven chicks left but two need to be put down, immediately.
And I feel like the world's largest failure, idiot and a--hole. I'm not sure she got any of the bantam cochins, I know she got most of the packing peanuts, two are still alive. And two of the five delawares also in there made it.

I returned the three bantam cochins I found to the other secure brooder.

You could shoot me and I'd accept it. I hate it when brains doesn't make you smart. I really could

Talk about guilt.
I got my new babies from Ideal today too! They are soooo cute! Here are some samples of them. I got 2 blue mille fleur d'uccles, 1 self blue silkie, 3 assorted wyandotte bantams, 2 white silkies, 1 ameracauna bantam, and 7 packing peanuts. They all seem to be doing just fine and are eating, drinking, and pooping. I really have NO idea what to do with the packing peanuts as I definitely don't have room for them.


My whole group

Packing peanut


Wyandotte bantams

Ameracauna bantam

Blue silkie

Blue mille fleur d'uccle

White silkie
I'm so sorry WWD. Everybody looses track of things now and again, sometimes we get lucky, sometimes we don't. You can only do the best you can as often as you can and try to accept the rest.
I am really, really sorry to hear that. It's one of the things I worry about with our very curious puppy and our big mouser cat. And you were so looking forward to them.
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As awful as it was, at least it saves you making any hard decisions as to what to do with the packing peanuts

I was teetering on the edge of what to do with the RIRs anyway, so yes, I am trying to see that part with a practical eye. The delawares - my roo and hens will make more - but GRR, and most of the bantam cochins are fine so I am trying to focus on the positive.

And if it reminds me to keep an eye on the foster puppy better - then so be it, that's probably smartest of all.

But it is a hell of a way to figure out you forgot something. Sigh.
Two of our bantam babies had passed away when I went to feed them this morning. That's very different from our last order, where all the standard and bantam chicks are still thriving. I wonder if 25 bantams is too few with the weather being like it is to keep them properly warm on the way? We didn't have packing peanuts. But...we still have 23 babies.

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