Ideal Hatchery Easter Eggers


Seramatching Equestrian
10 Years
Aug 18, 2009
Does anyone have any pictures of Ideal Hatchery Easter Eggers? All of a sudden, I am really liking the sound of owning a flock of Easter Eggers

Thank you!
This is Gem. She is CHUNKY, great temperment, religious layer of intensely colored blue/green eggs.

I really do like Ideal and would reccomend them - All my stock from them is good.


I have 4 beautiful EE's from Ideal, and they're all 4 different colors. They're gorgeous, but I have yet to see their eggs, unless they're laying white. I haven't seen any new, pullet-sized green eggs in the nest boxes, and they're 6 months old now.

I've had these 4 EE's from Ideal, 3 from Privett, and 3 from McMurray. These from Ideal are the only ones that aren't the basic, brown EE color that most everyone has.

I will always have EE's I think, but I would want to add a few Welsummers into my flock, instead of just the EE's. That way you'll get pretty dark brown eggs with all the rainbow EE eggs. My Ideal Welsummers lay nice, dark eggs.

This is Blondie. I just love her colors!


This is Polar Bear. Thrilled to have a white EE!

This is Lil Red. She thinks she's a silkie, and hangs out with them all day long.

And this is Ethel, named after one of my best friends! She's truly unique, with some buff and some blue mixed in.
My Ideal EE looks very much like Jossanne's Blondie (I can't find a decent pic of her at the moment). She lays a beautiful blue egg almost every day.

I, too, am very happy with all of my Ideal birds. They might not be show quality, but they are healthy and friendly. In fact, someone forgot to give them the memo that hatchery birds aren't supposed to go broody. I have an Australorp, a Brahma and a Buff Rock that have all decided they want to hatch out chicks.

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