Ideal Poultry

I just ordered 7 Cochin chicks from them and they are supposed to be arriving this week. They were about $27 with shipping. I don't know if thats a great deal or not. It wasn't one of the specials.
Over the years, I have gotten a lot of our chicks from them, and my neighbor has too. We have always been very happy and they have excellent customer service.

I just received a batch of bantam cochins on Thursday. I ordered one of their specials, 25 assorted Cochins. I have fun trying to figure out what everybody is.
I've ordered from Ideal twice, from MyPetChicken once, and Metzer Farms once. I would order from each of them again, according to purpose: MPC for sexed bantams, Metzer for ducks and geese, and Ideal for large fowl pullets. I've got nothing bad to say about any of those three companies. I also buy chicks from my favorite feed store, which uses both Ideal Poultry and Metzer Farms. Sometimes they order from Privett or Meyer, I think it depends upon the season or the breed availability throughout the Chick Season, which - at my favorite feed store - runs from mid-February to early October.
We have 7 eggs on day 14, and just picked up 5 one-day old chicks today.
We're new to this, but we were hoping that after 2-3 days after the eggs hatch, we could put them together.
Any word of wisdom for introducing the 2 different ages?

I put day old chicks with week old chicks.
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We have 7 eggs on day 14, and just picked up 5 one-day old chicks today.
We're new to this, but we were hoping that after 2-3 days after the eggs hatch, we could put them together.
Any word of wisdom for introducing the 2 different ages?
Just put them together and keep an eye on the little ones to make sure they are eating/drinking. I've mixed ages of chicks many times and never had a problem. I'd leave the hatched ones in the incubator until they are steady on their feet though. (usually 24 hours)

Here's a day old snuggling up to a week old chick
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I've done the same, put chicks of disparate ages together, up to 3 weeks difference. Unless it's a single chick at the far end of the age difference.... I kept a couple of those in a separate brooder for a week so the smaller ones are eating and drinking okay and have demonstrated they're alert, quick, and have good mobility and speed when they get the "zoomies." Then I know they can hold their own in with chicks 3 weeks older. Bantams hatched later than other chicks also get special treatment for the same reason.

Other than those circumstances (or any chick is not alert, active, eating and drinking) I put younger chicks with older chick quite routinely. I would not push it past 3 weeks though.
My local Grange buys from Ideal, so my birds are from there. I've had no problems, but I've not bought direct from them. By the time I get them, they're a couple of days old and the weaker ones have died off.
My local Grange buys from Ideal, so my birds are from there. I've had no problems, but I've not bought direct from them. By the time I get them, they're a couple of days old and the weaker ones have died off.

Ahh, that's one of my special tactics with feed store chicks! I always try to get the oldest chicks of the breeds I want. Chicks are delivered in quantity one day a week, and those that didn't sell the previous week are therefore a week older. I look for the most active and alert older chicks, precisely because they HAVE survived well. They've passed that early die-off stage.

But if my feed store isn't offering a breed I would like, I'll check with Ideal. Or, if there's a special sale I cannot resist, I'll buy chicks in quantity from Ideal, which offers many more breeds than my feed store carries.
I got an order from Ideal last week. All of the chicks are healthy and doing great, although I did loose a packing peanut (it had a twisted leg :( ). I would definitely order from them again. I ordered from McMurray last year, and really liked them alot too. Both had great customer service. Good luck!

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