Ideal Poultry

I woke up to to find dead chicks this morning.This is sad ...I lost 2 of my daughter 4H black crested white and 5 silkies. I e-mailed Ideal this morning and I called them friday afternoon to let them know a few were not doing as good as the others. They told me to call back monday if they didn't make it and they would refund.That was just 2 monday that were not as energetic so I would have taken refund but as this morning it is 7 total I won't take a refund I want them replaced.
Yes they are having hatch problems whether it be incubator or just not fertile or what ever as I had ordered self blue silkies and none hatched as I was told. I choose to replace with other colors. Looks like I will be calling them first thing monday morning. Praying I don't loose anymore. I did notice the ones I have lost were alot smaller than the others of the same breed so maybe it is in the incubator problem. I hope everyone else is having better luck with their chicks. My daughter is gone for the weekend but will be so sad when she comes home to find she only has a couple left.
Ideal seems to be having some issues this year with their rarer breeds/types. I was supposed to pick up a spitzhauben today and the guy told me all arrived not doing well so he has them in a special incubator to try and save them - so far he lost half of them.

Well, that says that they are being honest with you. That's a good sign.
Yes they are being honest and they are so very friendly and helpful. I don't know if the other hatcheries have such good replacement policy or refund policy but I love that Ideal has a wonderful assorment of rare poultry. I am not saying anything bad and I do understand hatching and incubating has problems at times as I hatch my own every so often and several things can happen and go wrong and sometimes just not good eggs and that is not anyones fault . They are the only hatchery that I could find that has self blue silkies and b.c white polish. I will use them again.
cjwaldon, was the ones that died smaller than the others? I ask becuse that is what I noticed with the ones we had that died.Our very last bc.white polish was alot bigger than the 2 that died and same with the 5 silkies that died. I can't say for sure but when I hatch my own the ones that come out tiny usually don't make it. So it's either the incubator or just they were defective anyway. It's sad when it happens. Right now all seem doing good and I agree about the peanuts they are running jumping over each other like they have had an energy drink. So I put them in a seperate brooder because I was affraid they would hurt the ones I have left, My white and gray silkies and our last b.c white polish and white cochin. Well lets hope we will have no more losses.

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