Ideal Poultry

cjwaldon- I hope you have good results with your replacements. So far mine are doing great. Everyone keep us updated on how they do and please post some pics. I am so bad, went to farm store yesterday just for feed and came home with 6 chicks. 3 ameruacana pullets,2 millies and one featherlegged unknown that was in with the millies. They came from townline is what rural king farm store said so I called townline to find out what kind it was and they said they have nothing that matched the color of the chick and said sometimes the millies sneak out and visit other pens so it's probly a mixed chick. I couldn't help but laugh. I told the nice lady well I guess I will find out as it grows up. Woo hoo a mystery chick lol. I will post a pic and maybe somebody can help figure out what it might be .
here is the mystery chick, feathered legs and toes. Any ideas on what it is?I am so very bad, I went back to rural king today and got the last one just like this one so it wouldn't be the only of whatever it is. I need to go to chicken rehab . I am so glad my husband has no idea how many chicks I have so he won't even notice lol.
here is the mystery chick, feathered legs and toes. Any ideas on what it is?I am so very bad, I went back to rural king today and got the last one just like this one so it wouldn't be the only of whatever it is. I need to go to chicken rehab . I am so glad my husband has no idea how many chicks I have so he won't even notice lol.

A d'uccle? Not a mille, but some different color, gold necked maybe. Does it have fluffy cheeks?
no fluffly cheeks at all.Townline did say that sometimes they get out of the pens and visit others so it was possible to be a mixed breed. I asked what feathered leg bantams they have and she said well a few and I don't have a list in front of me. not very helpful..They don't even have a list of the bantam breeds on their web site.
I've placed my order with Ideal this year and look forward to a good experience. I'm getting Saipan Jungle Fowl and Black Minorcas.

I have ordered from Ideal before and have had a fair experience with them. Although I had a couple/a few losses due to shipping stress, my birds have turned out to be pretty good pet quality. Only one of my pullets--an Orloff--is very bad quality (dwarfish, crooked-beak, poor feathers). But an occasional runt is expectable in some orders. The rest have turned out strong, big, and healthy. I hope the ones I'm getting this year will be the same.

I would think you should get them tomorrow as they fly them . See chickens can fly lol sorry I couldn't help myself. Hope all arrive safe and sound.Post some pics please

I plan on it!!! After all I have been through, I cannot wait to get them!! I bought the feather legged bantam assortment. Can't beat the price, so hopefully I get a nice little group so I can chose my favs, and find homes for the rest! Hoping for a call bright and early, and I will post pics right away. I'm sure I'll need help IDing them anyway! LOL

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