Ideas for what to put baby chickens in.


Feb 21, 2015
My family and I are getting 25 new baby chicks here pretty soon. I was wandering who had an idea of what we can keep them in until they are old enough to put in a coop. We already had raised 6 and we put them in a cage and kept them like that. But we can't find a cage big enough for 25 chicks.
Coroplast is wonderful. It can be gotten at home depot or lowes. That zip ties or duct tape. I advise wire ties. as they are easy to remove when u need to expand the brooder area. I used card board boxes for a week or two and then switched to coroplast, is just so much easier to scoop the litter out of, plus its slick and very water resistant if water gets spilled. Last night i expanded mine again for five week old chicks, I just cut my zip ties , scored where i needed the folds punched a couple holes for the wire ties and it was expanded in just a couple minutes..Its easy to use and holds up better than cardboard. M

My daughters friend has guinea pigs and she uses this for their cage so thats how i got the idea. Look up coroplast guinea pig cages and u see how people fit pieces for large box like cages. It also easy to attach screen to the top. just hole punch and zip tie hardware wire over it leave one end unzip tied to get in there easy so u just lift it up to replace food and water..
I just read yesterday about someone getting the big moving boxes from Lowes or Home Depot d making them into rooms cutting go through doors and putting the boxes together so they had like a little roomed house. They put the heat source in one box. Food an:Dd water in another and you can expand when the get bigger. I thought that was a great idea.
Grocery stores get a lot of their vegetables in large cardboard boxes. If I remember right they were about 4'x4'. The produce manager would save them for me if I let him know in advance. I used to always use them when I had large orders of chicks. Now I have 4 wire dog cages which I pick up at rummage sales. I line them with 12" high cardboard and hang a light inside. Each cage will hold 12 to 15 chicks in the beginning and I will use as many cages as I need for the amount of chicks. I have these cages set up in the living room so I can watch for problems. And the chicks are very entertaining to watch instead of TV. When the chicks are two weeks old they go out to the brooder in the barn.
I am planning on keeping them inside our garage. But I am looking for something that is hard and won't deteriorate like cardboard.
I built a brooder modeled after one that is posted on the coops pages. I think the only way you will be able to get something that will not deteriorate rapidly and is large enough for 25 chicks is to build a large brooder.
check craigslist for a 150-200 gallon long and deep (not tall) aquarium, occasionally you find one that wont hold water being sold for reptiles cheap. i know i sold my 125 with a cracked frame (solid but couldn't be trusted to hold 125 gallons worth of water without support from the frame) for $20. other than that i think 21hens-incharge is right. you will have to build.
I use big stock water tanks. You might find leakers on CL. Building one is good, or if you're in a warmer climate, set them up in part of the coop. You can start them in a big dog crate as long as larger facilities are available in a week or ten days. Mary
Large cardboard box always does the trick for us: cheap (well, free actually), simple, and you can fold it up and compost or burn it when it's done. You can tape or staple two or more together if you have a lot of chicks and make it in whatever shape or size you need. I put a sheet of plastic, a couple trash bags, etc underneath, then line the bottom with newspaper and use shavings, leaf litter, or similar for bedding. A desk lamp with a clip and a flexible neck in one corner gives warmth, and some towels or blankets over the top keep it in, more or less covered, depending on weather temps. A little waterer and a feed tray completes the outfit.
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