Ideas On A Bantam Flock?

Mine are on half acre fenced during the day and they do fine. I have Choclate Orps that are bantam and they are sweet too but of all my bantams my Bantam Cochins are my snuggles and oh my gosh when they make that sweet noise when being snuggled :love I have a real sweet LF Brahma hen too I wonder if Brahmas in Bantam are as easy going and sweet?
I am totally in love with my OEGBs they may not be cuddly but I love their independence. They are just the best mamas too my Oldest hen who only was able to hatch one chick this past year because of a blk snake that was dining on her eggs ( we finally caught him) anyway this chick, pullet hatched in Aug 2018 and her and mama are still close as ever.
Wonderful possibilities! :thumbsup

I've kept all except the Polish, Barred Rock, and Serama. :) They get along beautifully. Pretty sure you won't be disappointed.

Favorites of the group: d'Uccle, Easter Egger, and Old English Game bantam. :love I will never be without these sweethearts.

"Middling:" Sebright, Cochin, Silkie, Columbian Rock, and Brahma.

Disliked: Japanese bantam. Very flighty. :hmm

Ameraucanas and Wyandottes can also be quite personable. :)

That’s so cool. I’ll have to look into them more. I had a cochin Bantam frizzle that was a pistol she kept all the LF in line, sadly she passed away last fall at age 10 her best friend was my LF Brahma hen.
Very sorry for your loss....:hugs She lived a full, happy life. :) Bantams, though of diminutive size, certainly have enough attitude to go around! :lol: So endearing. :love

Here is "Georgina" My Silver Duckwing OEGB:


"Ringo" My Silver Duckwing OEGB:
From your list, I have had sebrights, cochins, silkies, and d'uccles. In my experience, sebrights are pretty flightly, but I assume this could be tamed out of them. I think they are supposed to be fairly small, but my were bigger(didn't do so great in showing because of this).
Cochins are great and I love them. They are definitely NOT overrated. We recently sold a bunch, but we have ten right now, and they come in so many different colors. I have mottleds(black and blue), blue, black, and calico. I had a splash for a really long time, but unfortunately he passed last year. They are really friendly(the one who passed was my favorite chicken I had and I was devastated). If you want them for breeding though, I have heard that you may need to AI them. All of mine were naturally bred, but its what I've heard. If you want eggs out of your bantams, cochins are a bad decision because they only lay a couple eggs every so often(it has come to the point where they decide when I hatch eggs).
D'uccles are better egg-layers. They can be either docile or flighty, depending on how often you work with them. The roosters tend to be mean, but only during certain times in the year. I rather enjoy them and they seem fine with other birds and even a goose.(I'm still a little new to this breed since I only got some a few years ago)
I've had a lot of experience with silkies, and I know that they make terrible free-ranging birds. I say this because hawks love silkies(and not in a good way). It probably doesn't help that they have large crests that impair their eyesight and they can't fly. However they are really friendly. They don't lay very good, though. I have a silky who stopped laying after only two years. Also, be aware of their feet and mites. Due to feet feathers, leg mites have more access to the birds' feet and can cause problems (it's pretty easy to take care of though; just lather some vaseline on their feet).
I guess it really depends on why you want the birds, so I tried to include a little on each of the breeds.
The silkies and cochins get pretty big as far as bantams go, especially the roosters. so it depends if you want all mini breeds or big and little bantams. Also they might pick on the others because they get much bigger

Im so stupid, for some reason I thought she was talking about LF cochins I don't know why because she is talking about a BANTAM flock :he:oops::idunno

Haha, that's fine! I've never kept Cochins before (standard or bantam) so I was like "Do they really get that big?" :lol: It's fine!

Silkies are a bit bigger than your typical bantam, but they're one of my favorites :love

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