Ideas on keeping predators out?

My Great Pyrenees, Caesar, is EXTREMELY protective of our small flock. Unfortunately his "crush" is my female wolf-dog hybrid, who also loves my feathered friends for other, less desireable reasons. Willow scratched just right and unlatched her chain from her collar yesterday. Major bummer for "Heavy", my free range Broiler. I've now got 13 chickens and a mildly damaged carcass in the fridge. Lesson learned...predators do what predators do, and this also...Proper Preperation Prevents Piss Poor Performance. The bird will go nicely in dumplin's tomorrow night, though. ;)
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yes im sure...first time me ever having chicks. i raise them for dual purpose but the more i see them and spend time with them dont know if i could slaughter them for food.. i ask myself over and over...i guess we shall see
I'm in the same situation as you are with bears, Fisher Cats, bobcat, Fox, owls, raccoon, etc. My plan is to use a night light deterrent with the red lights that look like eyes. It gets excellent reviews. I've heard the scare crow sprinkler works well too.
what is the scarecrow sprinkler never heard that one hoping my english shepard will keep predators at bay
Scarecrow sprinkler?

Your dog should work fine as long as you don't have predators that would want to make a meal of your dog. That happens around here a lot

Well I have my quail outside in their coop now. It's pretty secure, except for there is no floor so anything could dig underneath, and obviously the construction couldn't stand against a bear. So I've been sleeping on the couch next to the window. They haven't had any trouble-I'm pretty sure the skunks and raccoons would rather just eat my cat's food than go to the trouble of digging underneath the coop just to get a couple of very small birds. But last night I did hear a VERY strange noise outside! It's hard to describe-sounded like a cross between dog and a bird breathing heavily and almost sounded humanoid as well. At first I thought it was a sound effect on the horror movie I was watching, then turned it down and realized it was outside. I'm starting to wonder if I have to worry about the chupacabra too!
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I am gearing up in case I have to confront any predators though-I just bought about $200 of weapons. I've got my 40 lb compound bow, a 80 lb pistol crossbow, a foot long machete, 27" double edged ninja sword with two additional throwing knives in the sheath, a dagger in a wrist sheath, a concealed knife inside a necklace, and a mini crossbow I can hang around my neck that shoots toothpicks. Just in case lol
Good lord, now all you need are snakes to round you out! I suggest hanging cheap tin pans
on twine or other cheap string around the areas where they walk. As soon as you notice them,
shake it so the pans hit each other and scare the predators away. If you're not around, then try
leading the twine along the ground attached to trees or bushes, ect and attach it so the animals will
run into it and shake the pans. After being run off a few times by the loudness, they'll learn that it's not
a good thing to come around.

Another suggestion is to get a motion-activated toy type thing. Roll up a
plastic plate or just a piece of cardboard so it makes a loudspeaker in front of the speaker of the toy and face it
where the animals come in most. It'll move and make loud, strange noises. We used to use those to scare off bears
while camping.

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