Identifing mystery predator *GRAPHIC PHOTOS*

Another death, her name was Ravioli (4 weeks). It tore into one of the brooders. The other 2 chicks that were in the brooder with her are thankfully unharmed. (All of the rat poison from last night was gone)

Working on getting a camera, weighing down the tops of the brooders with more wood, setting a trap


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A bit of an update: no further deaths since Ravioli (buff orpington, I believe?). Since the last death the coop run has been reinforced with metal chicken wire. No luck with the traps, but still trying.

I have a relative who lives close by that agrees to put them up on days when I work graveyard shifts (usually around 1pm-midnight). He forgot to last night. Fortunately, everyone was unharmed and accounted for

Weasels stripped my ducks necks. Killing 2 wounding one.
Raccoon killed chicken and ate head and part of belly.
prey birds scattered lots of feathers and ripped belly.
Bobcat and coyote just took birds away.
crows take babies and eggs.
id had free range birds during day for 15 years with no problems. Last few years have been very bad. Sigh. Now birds are out only when I or dogs are out. They aren’t happy birds being cooped up. What to do?
Added: also, sometimes a chick can flee before being killed. You may want to look around, it may be hiding somewhere.
It seems @Duckee was right. Found my lost Dominique chick; it's likely she escaped to under the coop with fatal injuries. I just found her skeleton. Another dominique chick got under there and apparently pushed/moved/pulled the body out from under the coop. At least I'll finally be able to bury her now


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It seems as though I was lulled into a false sense of security. After almost 2 weeks another death. I thought I'd fixed the problem, but as you can see that is not the case...when I found her she was still limp. At least her last day was a good one...she free ranged for the first time.

Anyone know of any good repellents for opossums/raccoons?


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