Identify this hawk...


8 Years
Jun 5, 2011
I was about to let the chicken out of their run today. I heard a hawk scream. I looked up and there was a pretty good sized hawk. I didn't get a chance to get a picture, wish I had. I don't quite remember what the top looked like. The belly was white, wings were white with what looked like a dark brown or black circle or bulls-eye near the tip of the wings. Could have been on the belly too. I did some research and the closest resemblance was the roughlegged hawk. But I read they don't migrate where I live, which is Idaho. Have any ideas? Thanks!
Thanks. I really do think it was the rough legged hawk. I guess they do come to Idaho and around Idaho in the winter. And they usually go in little flocks I guess. That makes sense because there was 4 of them.

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