Idiot needs help with BROODY hen---UPADATE Page 3

The golf balls will hatch. You will get little putters.
I am 99.9% sure shes not. She was a hatching sis to the other one and the breeder I got here from had no Cuckoos. The egg would be on the light side of the maran eggs though, but for what I've seen from Rocks, its dark.

I just went out an removed titlest, nike and Bertha from under my hen and marked the eggs she was on. When I picked her up, I felt skin, so I fliped her. She has lost all her down on her breast/ belly area. Did she do this herself to "build" a nest? There are no signs of mites/lice on her. Any thoughts?
I have a cochin that has become extremely broody over the last couple days. I think she even slept on the nest last night. I took her out this afternoon and put her next to the food, and she ate, but I haven't been able to go out since then due to a rainstorm. (edited to add: she is back in the nest)

We've only had her since February, and until now, she'd hang out on the nest maybe 1 day out of 10. She's approximately 10 months old. She lays the tiniest eggs, but she's prolific and produces an egg almost every day. We have no rooster - just 5 hens of varying ages and breeds free ranging in our urban backyard.

Is there any downside to her behavior, other than that she might not eat enough? I don't mind forcing her off the nest daily to eat, but I feel bad for her. They are our pets, so getting rid of her isn't a choice. And since her eggs are so tiny, it's not like we'll notice one less (haha).

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My Light Brahma went broody a few days ago. How long will this last?

I took her golf balls but that isn't stopping her. I keep taking her out of the nest but after a few she goes back in.

I want my egg factory back.

Sorry for the thread jack. I just want you to know you not the only one.

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