If all chickens had to be cageless

If you think keeping 10,000 egg-layers in stacked rows of cages is the right way to farm, well then you might have problems with attempts to give chickens more space.

If you think that there might be another way to produce eggs to feed the country, where the birds have more space, are less dense, and are healthier (and thus the eggs), well then you start looking around for other methods to farm. There are lots of precedents around the country if you're willing to look.
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It may be "aimed" at them but it will affect any poultry person in California. Luckily I'm not there and it will cause more importation of egg products into that state--just hope the good citizen of CA don't buy Mexican goods where they are grown with NO LAWS...... Oh yeah, that would be an improvement alright.
I know I said I was going to stay out of this but how could the conditions of the FACTORY FARMS (not every single farm) get any worse?
Do you REALLY want to know? Take a trip to Mexico and look at how food is grown there. Same w/other 3rd world countries and because we outlaw them in USA and turn around and IMPORT it here..........out of sight out of mind.
Ah, so since they're raising food much worse than we do, we shouldn't improve our own methods? I'm sorry, but the insane quest for the almighty dollar has brought this country to its knees now. Wring every single milli-cent out of everything makes a few rich for awhile, but now it's starting to break down in a big way. We need to rethink how we do everything - and raising chickens seems like a good place to start.
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We'll have NO levity here.

Only reason I'm debating this (like the term debating because I'm not upset that anyone takes a different view from mine) is I want to help people understand the challenges of AG. AG is not some big monster of people who are trying to kill off America but rather trying to feed America as cheap as we can and scratch out a living in the process.

Want to stop confinement animals, STOP buying them & their products (whether raised in USA or imported).
?, would you be in favor of this proposal if attached to it was ALL importation of goods not produced by USA standards was no longer allowed?

Good bye all electronics, scooters, cycles, clothes, etc.. you get the drift.
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