If my chickens would love me any more...


11 Years
Apr 6, 2008
I will be dead! 2 of my EE'er , Lexy and Kelsea are going to send me to an early grave. Every night I go out to the coop at dusk and turn the coop light on. I sit in my chair and watch as one by one wander into the coop and settle down for the night. All except for Kelsea and Lexy of course. They run to me and hop right up. It would be fine if they would just settle, but no. They then procede to fight over the best position on me to sit. One will get on my right shoulder. The other will follow, a swabble will follow. Then one will move to the left shoulder. After several minutes the other follows to the left shoulder. On and on it goes for 30 minutes or more. I come in every night with scratches all over my chest, shoulders, and arms! Anyone else loves TOO much!!
Your girls sound just like ours! I have been going out every night to round them up and make sure they get into their boxes. My oldest ones turn 8 weeks tomorrow and they rather sit with me then in their boxes. They also fight over who gets to sit on my knee or shoulder. My little rooster, Joe, is the sweetest one of them all. I never thought that chickens would behave the way mine are and it is a welcomed surprise.
Glad I am not the only one! I look like I just walked out of a slasher movie half of the time. maybe the girls need a pedicure?!
My birds love me so much, it's a wonder I don't look like Edward Scizzorhands! HOWEVER, I have been able to keep from having scabs & infection by washing the scapes really well and gooping on antibiotic ointment.
I have been putting on a thin, long-sleeved t-shirt to visit the coop - ever since DH reminded me that those sharp little talons step in sh*t!
I was thinking the same thing!! They step in you know what and then scratch you open
! I can't wear turtlenecks even in the winter. I really should live in Alaska! I have just been trying to make sure that I do not have on any lowcut or swooping neckline shirts and cross my fingers. The price we pay to be loved so........
Definitely need to take video of that!!! I have one whose name is Puddle who runs out to greet me every time I go over to the coop. She even likes to jump up and nibbles my hair!!!
Nope none of my 6 like me at all. I'm always so jealous of you all with these amazing chickens that do what your saying... and I hand raised my bunch.
Sorry Pattee. I do not know why these two are like that. I raised ten of them from day olds. They are all very friendly. Some just let me pet them, some will sit on me a few minutes, I have two antisocials, and then these two. So they are all very different. I just find it funny that I bought three EE'ers and those three are the most friendly.

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