If neighbor poisoned our birds, what can I do?

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You are right. Yesterday I called Dept of Wildlife because of the wild Canadian geese in his yard and they said it is illegal to poison them, federally protected songbirds etc. If a wild bird should die and we are able to retrieve it then they will definitely move forward. Until then, they say yes it's illegal but they don't seem sure how to enforce it. The game warden is coming over today though.
It is a shame you're having to go through this whole ordeal. My heart goes out to you and your family. I'm so sorry for the loss of your birds. In addition, I cannot believe the various possible dangers the whole thing presents for your family members, too. It is pathetic for the 'neighbor' to act the way he is. He is without a doubt a sad little person, and a poor excuse for a human being.
Sorry this is sideways, but here you can see the fence we have up to keep birds at the rear of property (they aren't free-ranging the entire acreage, just the back acre or so). We did this to keep any nusiances away from our neighbor's front yard and house. You can also see the wild Canadian geese getting dangerously close to the area that is poisoned.

I've been reading this thread. Ugh!
Sorry you are going through this freezefamilyfarm.
Hope your neighbor gets what's coming to him.

I don't understand this lack of action on the part of law authority.

Are you emphasizing the verbal THREAT that predeeded the poisoning?

For example, if a person attacks you it is a crime. If later that person only THREATENS to attack you - the crime is treated more like an actual attack.

Also emphasize to authorities that this person poisoned your food supply. If local authorities don't react, then bark up the chain. FBI I think.
This is a bad situation. I can't believe the authorities have not reacted more strongly. Not only did he poison your pets, but also your food supply and wildlife.

But the biggest thing you have small children - any of which could have picked this up and put it in their mouths. It was on your property.

I think you should really push the issue and he should have to clean this up. No matter what the cost he should be responsible for removing the danger. Also for compensating you for what you have lost.
I have also been following this thread and cannnot believe that the authorities are not doing something about this. But before we all go nuts remember that the wheels of justice do turn slowly sometimes. They have to make ABSOLUTELY SURE what they are going to do before they do it. If they don't, he could get away with it. One thing a don't understand is why the DNR isn't on his butt about the whole Goose situation. I know if that was done where I live he would be in Federal custody right now. I've seen it done and it isn't pretty. Especially when they find out it's a FEDERAL crime not just a local misdemeanor.. Good luck with this fight and keep the faith. We're all here for you!!
This just makes me sick to my stomach.

Keep us posted (when you have time
I am so sorry that this has happened to you, and for the loss of your animals. I'm sure that you are feeling angry, frustrated, and fearful of what he will do next. It sounds like you are doing everything you can to take care of this situation.

The authorities are rather slow when it comes to dealing with crime in regard to animals. Unfortunately, I know this as we lived in a neighborhood with a guy that owned pitbull dogs that he allowed to roam free. They tore up property, killed people's pets (including one of our cats, and if I hadn't been outside 2 other times, all of our cats), and were not people friendly or trained in any way. Animal control had to "catch" them outside their yard (and they always took at least an hour to show up) or have pictures of them out to prove that it was their dogs. He threatened to kill other neighbor's pets if they called animal control on him. When animal control finally did catch one of his dogs out, they set a dog loose on the officer as he was leaving the yard and he had to beat it off of him to get out of the yard. They took that dog, but they just get more as each one is taken. One of the officers told me that they have a slew of fines (not paid) for other dogs (that have since been put down by animal control) causing the same issues. Every time they go to court they are a fined a larger fee. We have since moved.

Hang in there, justice may be slow, but it will come if you keep good records, keep calling authorities, and stick it out.

I would definitely set up some type of camera and try to record your yard as he seems like the kind of person that will do this again, and again, and again...

I know you are not looking forward to having to deal with a court case, but make sure you rake this *bleep*s arse over the coals so that hopefully next time he might see some real jail time (which he deserves) and be separated from the decent members of society, and your neighborhood.

Good luck
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