if one is setting, will they all stop laying?

Queen Chika

In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 2, 2009
Kiowa, CO
I have a hen who is setting (yay!), and the others seem to be involved in protecting her from me, but they have also stopped laying, is this normal? We have had blizzard-like conditions lately too, but I didn't know if all would stop laying when one is setting?
yes, she does have all, or most of the others eggs too. They have a dozen nesting boxes, but they all seem to love laying in the same one or two.
You take the chance that when she finally gets off the nest to poop, get a drink and a bite to eat, somebody else will be sitting in her place when she goes to get back on the nest. She may decide to just sit in another nest box, instead of waiting for her original spot. The eggs will get cold when the trespasser leaves and that means no baby chicks.
I have this same problem. One hen went broody, and they all stopped laying! No additional eggs (apart from her original count) were added. So I know she isn't collecting other hens' eggs or the other hens laying in her nest box when miss broody gets her food and water. They just all magically stopped laying! I did a parasite and bug check, everyone is doing great! I swear, the broody sends out a message to the other girls, telling them not to lay when she is setting.

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