If you could add two chickens to your backyard flock what would they be?


In the Brooder
May 6, 2015
I am thinking about adding two new hens to my flock. I really haven't decided either way, but I am thinking maybe a red sex link and something else. What would you all add if you wanted to?
I am looking at the sex link for the production and then the second for decent production but maybe also looks. Maybe something like a silver lace wyandotte.
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Got all the layers I need (has not stopped me ordering more fertile eggs today though :)). I'd like serama bantams but specific breeds are hard to come by in Kenya. It's probably for the best (according to my wife, at least).

Got all the layers I need (has not stopped me ordering more fertile eggs today though
). I'd like serama bantams but specific breeds are hard to come by in Kenya. It's probably for the best (according to my wife, at least).

Man! Someone from my church just left for Nairobi 2 weeks ago! I should have sent them with some chickens...or eggs! Not even kidding! They are originally from there. Probably not easy to transport chickens there though I'm sure.
They aren't the absolute best layers, but they are decent. They'll lay every other day, but they are very large birds, and their eggs are proportionately big. They have a reputation for being gentle giants.
I think a Brahma would add enough eggs for me. I have a black sex link, and two easter eggers right now that are laying. The sex link lays everyday but the other two go for about 4-5 a week I'd say. I have a bantam cochin too, but she hasn't started to lay yet. She was supposed to be a full sized bird, but just stopped growing at 4 weeks. I figure if I add two more birds, one dedicated layer, and one good pet/layer bird, I'd have enough eggs to share with neighbors and friends.

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