If you could build the perfect coop, what would it be and what would it have?

I am afraid my perfect coop would closely resemble Ralphie's, so that's not much use to you. In terms of "can I afford this within the rest of my lifetime", I'd say I already have my dream coop. The floor, which is vinyl over pressure treated plywood, is raised far enough off the ground to see under. That eliminates hiding places for baddies, which was a major issue with my last coop. It has removable roosts, painted walls, an attic for storage, and a closet to keep the chickens from pooping on my tools. It has nice latches that lock when you swing the door into them. I can't think of anything else I would want in it—except more space. It's 12' x 12'. I'd really like a 20' x 15' or bigger so I could keep more birds over winter.

What's the most useful for me is sections. Places to put birds that can't be together. I have movable pens already, but my dream coop would definitely be big enough for in-coop brooder areas. Until I get some bigger and more weatherproof separate housing, I have to make sure they can all live together in winters because the pens get entirely buried in snow. I don't know about you, but I refuse to do one more lick of shovelling than is entirely necessary to make it in and out of the house.

Get the chickens these and make them shovel their own paths like I do.


is self cleaning an option? :fl

I like a dirt floor but dedicated power and heat maybe since it shares space with my greenhouse. And dutch doors on both sides. Room for separating new chicks from grown ones. In a perfect world, easily removable solid walls and roof that cover the wire ones so that in the Winter there could be more warmth but in the Summer they could just be lifted out.
A front vestibule around the people door for storage of all things chicken. This area alone would need to be at least 8 x 8. Heck, I need a barn with Woods coop off south end. Then, I could indulge in the other species... get me some goats, hair sheep, a couple pigs... Gotta have some ducks, and a pond to go with it. A nice big pasture, and retirement to enjoy it all. A garden tractor with all the bells and whistles. Oh, and a gardener/pool boy. Green house with aquaponic system, enough room for a heat system, and a dining table.
In reality world, a perfect coop for a small flock :

Poop shelves, huge eves, community nest box with roll out egg place heated by heat tape, roofed run, removable wire front to make underneath the poop shelf a chick brooder when needed. Everything predator proof and as huge as possible. Connected to the greenhouse and garden.

Hah! Which is almost exactly what I have now! (except for the fancy nest box)
I am afraid my perfect coop would closely resemble Ralphie's, so that's not much use to you. In terms of "can I afford this within the rest of my lifetime", I'd say I already have my dream coop. The floor, which is vinyl over pressure treated plywood, is raised far enough off the ground to see under. That eliminates hiding places for baddies, which was a major issue with my last coop. It has removable roosts, painted walls, an attic for storage, and a closet to keep the chickens from pooping on my tools. It's a walk in, obviously... can't stand anything but. It has nice latches that lock when you swing the door into them. I can't think of anything else I would want in it—except more space. It's 12' x 12'. I'd really like a 20' x 15' or bigger so I could keep more birds over winter.

What's the most useful for me is sections. Places to put birds that can't be together. I have movable pens already, but my dream coop would definitely be big enough for in-coop brooder areas. Until I get some bigger and more weatherproof separate housing, I have to make sure they can all live together in winters because the pens get entirely buried in snow. I don't know about you, but I refuse to do one more lick of shovelling than is entirely necessary to make it in and out of the house.
hating to shovel...
that is why I have run doors set up as Dutch doors (bottom can freeze closed/be snowed in in winter) and coop doors set up so that you never have to shovel a path.
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hating to shovel...
that is why I have run doors set up as Dutch doors (bottom can freeze closed/be snowed in in winter) and coop doors set up so that you never have to shovel a parh.
I have similar setups on the main coop. I still have to shovel the driveway, lol.

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