If You Could Only Have 6 Chickens...

Climate or the ability to procure any notwithstanding, I'd probably have a Jaerhon, a Minorca, a Penedesenca, a Quetro, a Fayoumi and a Phoenix.
And a, and a, and a, and a.........

Not simple at all to narrow it down to six. I've had over 30 breeds but I breed and since I only have time and space to do justice to one breed I now only raise Black Penedesencas.
I would have 2 BA, 2 EE and 2 Orps.

I have a BA and EE now, both good egg layers and very sweet. I always wanted to try the Orpingtons, they have a great reputation for being good layers and very sweet. So I actually am only allowed 6 hens and eventually will get 2 each of the above....
I CAN only have six chickens where I live! I get around the desire for chicken math because I also manage a flock of 20 at school. Loophole!

My home flock is currently only four as I experiment with breeds at school and then buy and take home the girls that I really like to join my personal flock.

1. Sassy, my Silver-Laced Wyandotte
2. Hawk, my Easter Egger
3. Echo, my Delaware
4. Leaper, my Red Star

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