If you could only keep 3-5 chickens

I really love our Sapphire Gems, very friendly, started laying about month before my others and lay well in the winter. I also really love my big Delaware girl. Also very friendly and a good layer. I would love a Cream Legbar someday or Welsummer
I got a couple starlight green layers. So far they are nice and lay pretty green eggs.....almost every day. Mine are still pullets.

The prairie blue bell lay a pale blue egg. Mine are not as productive as the green layers.

If you want pet type birds buff Orpington are nice.

The sweetest and friendliest chickens I have ever had are the Salmon Faverolles that were hatched on May 6, 2019.. They have added a lot of fun and happiness to my life with the crazy things they will do especially the one I call Sweetie. I never know what she will she will do next, they all will squat for me to pick them up but Sweetie is the one that really loves attention. I was replacing some cedar shingles that got damaged on the house that are in their garden area and I was surprised to find Sweetie resting on my arm that was holding the new shingles. She keeps looking like she wants in the house even more then her 2 sisters so I bought diapers for them so they can keep this lonely old permanently disabled man company in the house because it is too cold for me outside. The only problem is what do with 80 pounds of Golden Retriever while they are in the house.
My wife is not real happy with their small eggs but they do lay everyday even now like my Reds. She preferred the really large eggs we received from our crazy Rhode Island Reds that were stolen late last summer. Henrietta the head of the flock would peck at my sweats when she wanted meal worms and her 2 sisters would help if I did not move fast enough for them.
I have had chickens as pets since I was a child, now over 70 years and never had a problem with any predators till this year when I lost two of my Salmon Faverolles to a hawk to the EPA's endangered hawk. I never locked up their coop and never worried when they had the whole neighborhood to look for bugs and other goodies.
Question: If you could only keep 3-5 chickens...
Well, I tried this. This year in fact.
I've only got 6 chickens. 3 Black Astrolarps, 1 Barred Rock, 1 Easter Egger who lays green eggs, 1 Gold lace Wyandotte, cause she's pretty... and the crankiest little hen I have ever put up with. You'd think she was broody all the time the way she cranks on everyone else and scolds. But nope, she's just Goldie and that's the way she is.
I admit I was a little nervous about having fewer hens but it's worked out really well. The ladies are peaceful with each other (except for Goldie) I've had 'just' enough eggs so far that I'm not feeling the pinch and the food bill isn't more than it would cost me to buy the eggs from a local free-range farm.
If you want a steady supply of eggs, I'll put a word in for a Black Sexlink. She pretty much produces large brown eggs all year long (with a brief vacation to molt). I think my girl, Mommasan (aka Big Mama) is beautiful! She's black with beautiful iridescent feathers. I like to paint and I'm itching to do her! She happens to be top dog in the coop, but maintains her spot with little confrontation -- I think the others take care of that for her. She's very sweet and friendly with me.

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