If you had to live off just the food in your house...

Based upon where we are (in the middle of the woods in Central Florida) I believe that we could last indefinately. We have the chickens for eggs. Here we can grow our garden 12 months out of the year. Usually I skip the summer because it is too hot but if I had to I could plant then also which would give me three full growing seasons. We have two wells so water would not be a problem and we have a small citrus grove with about 25 trees that give us oranges, lemons, grapefruits and limes. We have all kinds of game that I could hunt from my front porch, i.e. rabbit, pig, snake, etc. Plus we are near a lake that has many fish. I think we could live very well if I ever had to. We have actually thought about this situation.
We talking just at this moment or what comes from the property and into the house too?
until i died of natural causes. we have enough animals to provide food along with fruit trees and a garden
I'll guestimate two weeks for the humans in the household, a month for the cats and three months for the chickens. I've been trying to increase pantry space for dry goods and use up everything in the fridge/freezer to make sure nothing is going bad in a back corner (found a mini carton of 4 eggs that somehow got shuffled into the very back; guessing they were three months old??? They failed the float test misserably). Honestly, I haven't been this low on groceries in years. Normally I have problems figuring out were to stuff all the food and now I've managed to empty an entire shelf in the fridge (I plan on cleaning the fridge before I restock cold stuff).
The never ending milk trip.......We should invest in a cow for the amount we go through!
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One month, and trying to stock pile. Not sure how much food I need LOL!

Canned goods are on sale at my grocery store. My garden FAILED this year.

Starting to notice some ground beef and rump roasts prices started to go down to 2.99 a lb. So I buy them in bulk and cut them up to size to each meal, freeze those.

Chicken are still high priced in our area.

My girls finished laying, taking a break for the season. I still got some eggs in the refigerator however I will go back on store bought eggs.

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