If you had to live off just the food in your house...

About a month. I used to keep about a 3 month supply of everything, but money has been tight, I've had several unexpected large expenses, and my kids are 10, 12 and 14 so they eat about a ton every time they go in the kitchen.
We have a little homestore so probably at least a year with dry goods and whatnot on hand here...including the rabbits we could feed our family for years as long as we could plant our stuff. This gave me the urge to wanna go get more frozen broc & spouts!LOL
M.sue :

For as long as we kept our chickens alive!! We'd eat egg, after egg, after egg!

Yep! That would be us too! (Plus whatever we had in our pantry at the time). And assuming our garden did good that year, we would be eating lots of veggies.​
Our garden was pretty poor this year. I have tons of jams! We'd eat sweet anyway!
But, we're coming onto winter so we're set for the winter. We'd probably be fine for 6 months or so. Granted milk is a major issue for us. I have powdered on hand, but not that much. We live half mile from a dairy farm so I always figured in a crunch he'd be willing to barter. He's got 200 head there and all that milk needs to go somewhere.

We'd probably go a few months without a major dent in our eating style. I would dearly miss fresh fruits and veggies in the winter months, but that's living way larger than humans have ever lived before so I'm sure we'd manage. I am a tad low on seed for crops come spring so that would have to be managed.

Some barter? Indefinitely.

I do love me some venison steak!
Some variables, which have not been considered:

Are we able to continue to supplement with food from the garden, road kill, etc.?
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How do you keep your potatoes, apples, carrots, etc from going bad? How do you preserve them? When I buy a 5 lb bag of potatoes, they will rot if I don't eat them within a certain time.
It takes me a long time to eat 5 lbs of potatoes.

Good idea with the buckets of flour and sugar? How long can flour last without having those little bugs getting into them?

First, you are probably buying last year's potatoes. Are you keeping them in the fridge, at about 45 degrees? They'll keep for months, if they are this year's crop.
We have our potatoes on the porch, with lyme sprinkled over them. Flour we put into a glass gallon jar. I would refrigerate it if we didn't have the jar. The meal and sugar are in the fridge. Without milk, we could eat for about 2 months by emptying everything and eating it, whether we wanted it or not. It's getting to where we kinda want it now. Everything is so high, except pensions.
I use to say we could go a at least a month. Well we are in the process of finding out, the last grocery trip was August 29th. I have bought milk and cheese sticks for my son but that is it. My husband accepeted a job out of state. He needed groceries for the RV and incurred a few other moving/job starting expenses. So we are trying not to spend any money on this end. The first new check doesnt come until the middle of November
I estimate the 2 of us (16 year old boy and I ) could make it another 2 months.....

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