if you have more than one rooster


10 Years
Jul 19, 2009
if you have more than one rooster will they both crow? i had someone tell me that only the dominant one will jsutstared raising chickens would like to know.
I think 7 out of 8 of my roos crow.
All (gulp) 8 of mine crow--5/5 "straight run" RIR roos 2 SLW and 1 EE. That being said the two SLW and one of the RIR are much bigger then the rest and do seem to crow more then the ones that are lower in the pecking order.
I have about 40 roos that are loose in the barnyard and 20 more in the pure breeding pens. ALL of them take turns crowing about 6 in the morning. Then once or twice a day they get into the crowing contest mode and again at bedtime they all have to sound off one more time. Luckily I live far enough away from neighbors that they don't complain. It isn't noise to me. If they are crowing I know everything is all right with their world and mine.
Right now I have 2 roos and they both crow - this morning they were crowing at the same time -like a duet

I just sent 3 others to the auction - when they were here they all crowed at some time - silly roos
Just from my present experience:

I have two roosters, a Sebright and a Silkie. As of now the Silkie rooster is the dominant one due to removing the Sebright for quarantine purposes. Now that he has been reintroduced, he is no longer the dominant one and no longer crows. The Silkie is the only one crowing. If I take the Sebright to the other side of the house or away from the flock where he can't see them, he gets upset, and may crow a couple times to communicate with them. Before I took the Sebright to our county fair (then quarantine soon after) he was the dominant one and both roosters would crow. So, IMO, I think it depends on the rooster and his status. Though some may not always know their place, others most likely do and know when to shut up. These birds are a year old.
All of my roosters crow all throughout the day, often at the same time, and with little regard as to who else is crowing at the time.
Some of the older ones crow less or save their crowing for special occasions, but the young ones like to test their vocal chords at any chance they get. Time to wake up? Crow! Time for a drink of water? Crow! Pretty hen? CROW CROW!

Mine even like to get in to crowing competitions with the neighbors' roosters down the road! Good thing I live in the country!

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