If you have read about the dogs eating my chicks please read this.

There is no leash law here in Harnett county, NC. So, I am not certain who I would call if a dog started eating my chickens or how I would track down the owner. A lot of stray dogs come in my yard, and that is why I am forced to pay money to put up a fence.

Even without a leash law, I don't let my dogs roam. I like my animals too much to do so. I just don't understand dog owners that get animals that they don't love enough to keep safe.

If my dogs ate my neighbors chickens I would feel so awful. I would pay them whatever they wanted for the cost of those birds.
If you can get your DW's boss to sign an affidavit stating what they did, I'd get it and hold onto it in case you need it in the future.... if they're going this far to make trouble... you may find yourself in court eventually.
Man, some people
Well if they do my neighbor beside us will go with us there tired of the dogs also.

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