If you live close to a store that sells chickens...

The local TSC near me isn't even allowed to sell chicks this year. I'm not sure what happened, but I had heard they weren't going to be allowed to carry chicks this year, so I went in today, and sure enough...no chicks. Hmmm, glad I have the little family owned place. They give much better service than TSC anyway, and believe it or not, their prices are cheaper.
Alot of States it is illeagal to sell less than 6, Know in Ohio it is for sure.

Law was past because people were buying one or two for easter pets. Reason for 6 ,was the hope they would help keep each other warm.

Millions died around easter untill this law was pasted.
I had planned on purchasing three chicks from my IFA.

When we went in there was a sign saying that Utah State Law required a minimum purchase of 5 chicks.

So, we have five girls.

A little more than the coop should accommodate but since they have been together forever they are fine.

It helps that they free range.

I am sooo glad I didn't have to decide what to do with a roo.

As a rabbit lover I am delighted they are doing what they can to stop the Easter animal massacre.
That is probably for the best really....the Easter chicks will likely get wooled to death by a toddler, so maybe the parents will pass if they have to buy a whole flock!

My mom said when she was a kid, it was common for Easter chicks to be sold dyed in different colors, like pink, purple green.....
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Here in Salt lake (UT) the feed stores have a 6 chick min. policy. When I asked at the one I usually go to they said it was discourage the Easter shoppers. Since I'm in there quite a bit and they know me, I've been able to get away with buying as few as two a couple of times (i don't even know if I'm capable of buying any less two, its so hard not to walk out with less than a dozen of those little fuzzy butts).
When I overheard a mother with her two young children ask the same question another time I was in there, she was told it's because chickens are flock animals and they are just happier if u have at least six. So I guess they have an answer for anybody : )
You could buy six of them, then walk back to the chick tub with those you don't want, and just put them back into the tub. Receipt in hand, so nobody accuses you of shoplifting.

The chicks you keep would cost more per chick since you would have paid for six but only kept the number you actually wanted.

But there is no law against returning merchandize that you legally paid for, if you do not ask for your money back. I doubt that TS would give you the money back for just a few of the birds, but they are not going to arrest you for returning a few of the birds after paying for them.
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You can always skip the feed store route and buy chicks from a local breeder. That way you can get a good idea about the stock and husbandry conditions before you buy. You have no idea about these things with a feed store chick.
Dear they'reHISchickens, babyblue, Cheshie and others in the central PA area looking for a small number of chickens:

Wiscoy Pet Foods is a wonderful independently owned and operated feed/pet supplies store in State College (they don't have live animals but they do house cats or bunnies from the SPCA from time to time)(and no, I don't own it or work there; I have shopped there for years). They will take orders in April for chicks for May delivery. There is no minimum order. There are a large number of standard and bantam breeds to choose from. The whole idea is that by the store putting in a single order their customers who want only a small number of chicks or want specific breeds can get what they want without being subject to minimum number orders. You do have to pre-order what you want.

Cheshie, the TSC in State College is carrying chicks this year, so there seems to be variation in policies even within the same region.
Some online stores will have a minimum of ten or so. That way they keep each other warm on the shipment to you but I never heard of that for a store where you pick them up

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