Ill see yall later!


11 Years
Sep 23, 2008
Monroe, Ga
I have to take refuge in my bedroom for today. Its currently 11:13 AM & 90 degrees with a humidity of 56%.
My A/C is out and Im dripping sweat just sitting here.

The It Feels Like: Is already 98.
The high for today is suppose to go up another 4 degrees but something tells me that is not true.

I will see yall later tonight if I do not melt
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I was cleaning the barn and wasn't seeing too clearly...I thought the thermometer went up in 10 degree increments... when i came to, (had a little nap on the barn floor) it was what I thought was 98. The next day I read it clearly-108. Today I stay inside.
It's been a mess for 20 years, another few days won't make the world stop.
here in wisconsin, it's been chilly and rainy. wish the sun would come out for more than an hour or two a day, if it comes out. we have gotten so much rain that the ground doesn't have time to dry before the next rain comes in. we have alot of mushrooms in the yard, which we usually don't have.
I dont ever remember it being this hot this early.
Can someone say global climate change

I just came out to put some clothes away. Breaking sweat lol
Try to stay cool .. Its ridiculous how stinking hot and muggy it is this year
.. I mean come on Summer hasnt even officialy started....
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I wish I could complain about the heat.
It's been cold and rainy here for the last week. I can't remember the last nice day come to think of it. I'm getting moody; I want warmth and sun!

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