illegal owners, how many chickens do u have?

I think keeping a few illegal chickens is civil disobedience. Most of us likely believe in 30 years people will think the city ordinances to limit them were crazy. Just like forbidding children in some apartments, who rides where on the bus and pesticides. Most of us look back on how it was and fell some shame that too many people actually thought those things were justified! This country was built on civil disobedience. I know a few chicken doesn't come close to our civil rights issues. But I think it does take civil disobedience to tweak the way people think. Keeping chickens may be illegal but it does not necessarily make it wrong. IMO
Well I have 7 illegals, including at least 1 roo. I had no idea I had 1/2 an acre too little to legally allow chickens in my TOWNSHIP, not city. Ridiculous. I'll be rehoming my roo and then we'll go from there I guess. This news just broke today and I can't tell you how upset I am about all this.
I have 22 illegals....I feel the way things are going....we should be able to have them provided they are kept clean and healthy. I checked with all my neighbors a year before we took the plunge and they were all okay with rooster....NO PROBLEM! Now a set of neighbors is divorcing and their house is for sale....I don't know what is to come but I keep it clean(they have only been out in their yard for 4 days) and I will supply my neighbors with the occasional dozen. They have 6 foot privacy fencing on 3 sides with the open side in my yard, of course, so I can watch them and enjoy them when I am out in my yard and not sitting in with them. I keep looking to see what I need to do to change the laws in my area. I haven't mastered the search on this site yet. I need to know specifics for Virginia Beach. Currently it says no chickens accept in areas zoned agricultural. My neighborhood was the largest original farm in the state of Virginia and I can't have chickens....go figure. My girls are quiet and happy so far. Good luck.
I have 13 illegal chickens. We are not allowed to have any kind or fowl or livestock. I do not have any roosters, dead giveaway for more distant neighbors. I find that most of my neighbors love the chickens, have had them for 2 years now with no complaints. ( it also helps to give some eggs away too for proper neighbor positive outlooks)
There is nothing in my village ord that says yes or no to chickens. I started with 24 egg layers and two roos. This Spring I cut it down to 10 and 1 roo. My roo crows every day and my neighbors like it. I have had no complaints but am willing to get rid of roo if anyone does. I am going to push it now though and put my 24 cornish rock cross in a tractor in the front yard. We will see what happens. They will be there for only 6 weeks then gone. I am hoping others in this community will follow the example
I only have 1 illegal. I have 4 chickens, and I am only allowed 3, but, I really wanted all these different breeds! xD

I think they will change it soon.

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