Illinois traders!!!!

I'm looking to borrow a couple chickens if possible. I need to borrow a blue red laced Wyandotte hen and a Mille fleur rooster for long enough (a month) to get some viable hatching eggs. I'm in the southern most part if Illinois.
We have decided to get our numbers down before winter.

We have a loving, hardy, strong layer available. "Honey" is definitely a spoiled "pet" Comes when called & will cuddle if you pick her up. She's a mix (or hybrid) & just under 2 years old.

We also have 2 Bielefelder pullets available. Hatched April 12, 2015 and already laying.
I'd love for them to go to a home with a handsome Biele roo, but any loving home is welcome.

PM me if interested in prices or want more details.

Beautiful Purebred Blk/Lav split Orpington for sale. 7 mo old. (Hatched April 12th) Mom was a lav orp + Dad was a Black English Orpington. He's truly a gentle giant, not at all aggressive toward people & pets, great hawk spotter, & has a nice low-pitched crow.
PM me for more info.

Below pic taken 2 weeks ago.
Located in Chicago suburbs

PS- The above hen & pullets from post #403 have been sold.
We will be at the Kankakee bird and animal swap on Sunday April 3rd selling chicks and more. Here is a list of chicks we will have there.

Standard Breeds: BBS Ameraucana , Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, French Marans, also some easter eggers, turkens, & some maran crosses.
bantam breeds: Barred Rock
Turkey Poults: Black winged bronze

If anyone is planning on coming to the swap and is interested in chicks or has any questions let me know.
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hello again. I was the person wanting the khaki Campbell hens or chicks.
I would also be interested in easter eggers if you have any that you know for certain will lay sky blue eggs. Not a shade of green called blue.
See you April 3.

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