
They can be noisy. Standing next to each other peeping like they are lost. I think they are calling for other turkeys. Mine are starting to move out of different coops and hang together. Poults have all gathered up together for the three years about this time of year.
Although the 3 from the same hatch as yours want to go into the house brooder. They are in a open tractor during the day and too drafty on chilly nights.
The turkey hen that stole a chickens nest after hers failed, has dumped her chicks. The 2 chicks were screaming for her and she ignored them until I tried to grab them. She went back to ignoring them when I stopped. They went in with a chicken broody so I hope they will be ok. I don't think they are 3 wks yet.
Well when I went to lock the coop for the night, I found 3 of the poults up on the roosts (2 were actually on the poop board). The 4th poult was with the wanna-be-turkey chicken in the brooder. I picked them up and placed them on a roost.

Something else interesting, or GLW, Goldie, was on the higher roost looking over the others like A'hole, our cuckoo marans, usually is. A'hole has always been the top hen. She's been molting really hard though for the past few weeks. I think Goldie is trying to step up - on two good feet by the way since her bumblefoot is healed up well now.
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@homeschoolin momma
Sorry about your loss of the micro chicken.... even more so since it was a female.

When is Phoe's egg due? My "last hatch" is due Aug 10th. I may have an extra "useless chicken" for you. I'd hate for your hen to go through all that work & not get any chicks.
She's on day 16 I think. We'll see if the one makes it, but good to have a back up in case.
Ranger knows im still mad at him. You should see him slinking around with his head down. And I haven't said a word to him.
Do you have a pic of your garage setup? I was considering building a stack of cages in our garage for winter...

Lol you're getting ahead of us now. Lol no I don't have any pictures yet of the garage set up as it's still a work in progress.

We have piles of reclaimed wood around the property in different buildings so DH2B has been building a wood rack when he can spare a few moments. Between the wedding plans and all of the other stuff we've barely had time for anything.

We are still working on building the larger rabbit cages and Mommy and babies got an upgrade first. They turned three weeks yesterday and they are positively darling. I'll try and snap some photos tonight.

The plan is that the cages will hang off the wall inside with I think it's called plasterboard behind them. We also eventually want trays. That will be the winter set up at this point is the plan. We may also build an outdoor set up next year.

I'm so glad we got that 8 hole cage setup when we bought the rabbits although small they are being upgraded and it will make a good grow out and weaning cage when we can't have the outside on grass.

We took out some of the dividers so each rabbit got two sections. Still only about half or maybe less than the space Mommy and the babies have now in their new digs.
@homeschoolin momma
This is the last spring spitz. (One of the only 2 males I got.) I kept him b/c he's so pretty, but now he's strutting and crowing. Time for him to go! If you want him, speak now or forever he'll be silenced.

Crest & temperament are great!
Chest & overall feathering is too dark. No V-comb.

Because of this, I'd recommend keeping Jake & one of yours growing up as a back up.


BTW- Here's the CCL. She's very light colored. Not at all friendly yet. I'm hoping that will change when the mama finally leaves them.

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